Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Week Three...

    As most of you know, I went to the Doctor last Friday to see about this wound on my face, which they believe is skin cancer. They did a biopsy that day, and I will get the results back most likely today, and they want to do sugery to remove it and then reconstructive surgery on my face with a skin graft using skin from behind my ear. Through all of this, I know that God is completely Sovereign and I am trusting Him to carry me through this, and I pray I can be a blessing to others through this trial, and suffer well for the glory of Jesus, and share the gospel with everyone I come into contact with.
   On a happier note, I have been placed in Facilities here at the church, and I get to help oversee all that needs to be done, and help build teams of volunteers to take care of the needs that arise. I will also be working with the Children's Ministry and "Proxy" (the teen ministry), teaching/preaching, and also working with Community Groups and Redemption Groups. Community Groups are scattered around the various neighborhoods around the campus, and the goal of them is to get us all to live out our faith together in community and reaching out to our neighbors with the love of Jesus Christ and the Gospel. Redemption Groups are much more intense, in that we deal specifically with sins that we are all going through, and we walk through the difficult times we each experience together, graciously loving and reflecting the image of Christ and His forgiveness. 
...So I will hear today from the doctors, and I thank you all for your prayers.

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