Thursday, August 19, 2010

11 Tips for Studying the Bible at the Dinner Table by Mark Driscoll

1. Try and eat dinner with your entire family regularly.
2. It may be helpful for Mom and Dad to sit next to one another to lead the family discussion.
3. Open the meal by asking if there is anyone or anything to pray for.
4. A different family member opens in prayer each night, covering any requests. This way each family member learns to pray aloud.
5. Discuss how everyone’s day went throughout the meal.
6. Have a Bible in front of the parents and have someone (parent or child) open the Bible to the assigned text in the Dinner Bible Booklet and read it aloud while everyone is eating and listening.
7. A parent then reads the word for the day from the Dinner Bible Booklet, and gives the corresponding definition provided in the booklet and/or paraphrases the word’s definition at an age-appropriate level.
8. Ask the discussion questions in the Dinner Bible Booklet, and if your kids are older then you may also consider using the Community Group discussion questions.
9. Let the conversation happen naturally. Carefully listen to the kids and let them answer the questions. Fill in whatever they miss or lovingly and gently correct whatever they get wrong so as to help them.
10. If the Scriptures convict you of sin, repent as you need to your family, and share appropriately honest parts of your life story so the kids can see Jesus’ work in your life and your need for Him too. (This demonstrates Gospel humility.)
11. At the end of dinner ask the kids if they have any questions for you.
(taken from the Mar/Apr 2009 issue of  "Bible Study Magazine")

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