Well, I made it through the week, and it was amazing. One of the best parts was really getting to see God bring together my cohort group and unify us. We had some fun field assignments, and it's great to actually not just do book work, but to actually go out and apply the Scriptural truths we learn in class and live out our faith. I am so looking forward to the rest of this year.
Today we all had to preach a 5-7 minute sermon on Discipleship, and everyone in my group was shocked when I gave my message, because they mentioned afterwards that all week I seemed kind of insecure and unsure as to whether I belonged here, but when I started sharing God's word, they all agreed that I was like a different person, all the shyness/insecurity was completely gone, replaced by boldness, confidence, and authority. I said because it's all Jesus, not me, and when I share God's word, He is ALWAYS faithful to show up. God was glorified, in that everyone could see the Holy Spirit working through me. I cannot even take a breath apart from God allowing me to, and my goal is to continue like today, to point everyone Jesus brings into my path towards Him, and so that I may decrease, but His kingdom and His glory may multiply daily. If I can have any part in it, I am humbled and blessed.
I so look forward to friends and family from home to come and visit and experience the worship, community, and work of ministry that is being done up here. Like I mentioned in an earlier post, mere words cannot express how I feel being here. That's part of what my group meant when they said I seemed insecure, because I just have been speechless to actually be here. This journey has been a lifetime in the making, and for the last 12 years this is exactly what I wanted to do with the rest of my life; serve the Lord and do whatever He calls me to do, wherever that may be, and however that looks. I don't want to limit God. It's kind of a scary prayer, but my prayer is:
"Lord, anywhere, anytime, to do anything for Your glory, as long as You continue to give life into this earthly vessel, my life is Yours, to do with as You see fit. I only ask that You clearly lead me, and daily make sure that I am on the right path that will most glorify You, and do not let me turn to the left or to the right, but to follow You faithfully, glorifying You with every word I speak, every thought I think, every thing I look upon, and everything I do. In Jesus' Name, amen."
Just a few pictures, but I have the next two days off to go looking for work, so I'm sure I'll jump back into tourist mode.......my cohort group as we went out to lunch on Wednesday. (someone said we look more like a "boy-band" than a bunch of preachers!)...
...me at GasWorks Park on Wednesday. Our field assignment was to "do community" together, so we all got the same exact sandwiches and went to the park and ate and played frisbee and baseball together. I accidentally almost hit someone resting on top of a hill when I was batting, I hit the ball too far and thus was nicknamed "Mark McGuire" for the rest of the afternooon...needless to say, I'm still the athlete of the bunch even up here and staying active!...
...a Sea-Plane taking off from the water next to Gasworks Park. It was really neat to see, as they kept doing it and there tons of kayakers in the water. That's what I'd like to do while the weather's good, so I'm going to ask around and see if I can borrow one (a kayak, NOT a sea-plane don't worry!!)...
...see what looks like a school bus driving through the water on the left? Well it is!! They have these amphibious vehicles called "Ducks" that drive around the city and then drive through the water. It's a tourist ride, but I totally want to try it!! I'm getting all kinds of cool things for visitors to do whenever I get any...(hint-hint)...
...and the week wouldn't have been complete without me standing where Pastor Mark preaches every Sunday for 5 services! I encourage everyone to join us through the Gospel of Luke. You can either watch, listen, or download into either format here: http://www.marshillchurch.org/media/luke
We're currently in part 40, which is only chapter 9:37-45, and we're going to be in Luke for about another year and a half. Anyways, again, I miss you all and love you guys!...more soon!
Hey man, we will be coming up as soon as possible. Right now we're really busy with getting ready for the dance. I'll see if we can come up 2 weeks from now. (If you can survive that long);)