Sunday, October 24, 2010

Just a quick post....

...because I haven't posted in so long! I apologize for those who like to read these posts, but I have been so utterly busy it's unreal. I'm able to sit here and shoot out this short post as our second service is wrapping up. I oversee the Special Operations for Facilities here at the West Seattle Campus, and on Sundays I share facility duties with my roommate Phil from Germany. We each oversee a different service, today I was able to attend the 9am service and worked the 11:15, hence my being able to write this write now at 12:45pm. 
   My day began when I woke up at 5:15am, and got to the church at 5:35 after a quick shower and opened up the church and began cooking breakfast for all the staff at 6am for our 7am meeting. We meet and pray for an hour then at 8am we all break and go meet with the teams that we lead and get everything in place for the 9 am service.
   Last Sunday my day began at 5am and I didn't get home until midnight because we went to Ballard for their 7:15pm service then about 40 of us went out to fellowship after the service. LONG day to say the least...

    All for the glory of God. Amen. Thank You Jesus for this awesome year and all the unbelievable opportunities You have placed before me!

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Panoramic View of Ballard.. 6 shots:

 the extreme left side of the room as seen from the stage...
 ...the still left side but moving towards the center...
  ...the center...
 ...heading right now from center...
 ...and the extreme right side of the sanctuary...
 ...and the stage, pulpit and worship band equipment. Pastor Mark preaches from the left side of the stage (as you're facing it), and the band sets up on the right side. This sanctuary holds approx 1200 people, and gets mostly full on Sundays for all 4 services.


   Once again at Re:Train, this month studying Ecclesiology under Dr. Gregg Allison. GREAT class on the Doctrine of the Church! Great to see my classmates from out of state once again as well...
   Been way too busy to blog lately, with my surgery and writing my Christology paper on Colossians. Will try to be more diligent in writing. Love you all!